Beli founder Joni Hanson Davis was recently featured on Camille Outside the Box, a website with a decidedly entrepreneurial slant. It's a platform intended to help startups amplify their voice and share a little insider info. We've pulled some highlights from the interview, but make sure to check it out in full!
From the Article: Innovating the Way Couples Create Life with Beli's Founder Joni Hanson Davis

"Due to her own experiences during pregnancy and observing a key gap between nutritional science and prenatal health, Joni has made it her mission to optimize the health and fertility of both women and men. This led her to found Beli with the aim to fully empower and support couples in their journey toward creating, carrying, and birthing a healthy child. Joni has since carried the company from its initial angel investments to become a multi-million dollar company today.
The best startup ideas are all about disrupting a product, service, or industry in a scalable way. Can you explain how Beli brings about positive disruption when it comes to prenatal health and vitamins that are currently on the market?
The latest scientific research is changing the way we approach fertility, prenatal and postnatal nutrition and it’s helping millions of couples conceive and carry healthy pregnancies. Most prenatal vitamins on the market today haven’t kept pace with current guidelines and are only kind of aligned with nutritional science. We decided to do things differently when we created Beli because science tells us it takes two – optimizing both female and male nutrition for successful pregnancy outcomes.
The innovative work of a startup company like Beli has the ability to tie into and tackle the biggest societal and world issues. What’s your message to the world in terms of the change you’d like to see on a grander scale?
Fertility and reproductive health is a $23 billion dollar industry and growing at warp speeds but men are often overlooked in the pregnancy equation, despite the fact sperm health is 50% of the equation and plays a dramatic role in not only creating but also sustaining a successful pregnancy.
Despite the importance of the male side of the equation, the vast majority of products in the market have been focused on women. It is surprising that in 2022, women still bear the physical and psychological burden of getting and staying pregnant when science is telling us men’s sperm health is just as important as her egg health.
We need to elevate that message because science tells us this is a big part of the equation that is not being addressed."
Read the full post at Camille Outside the Box for more, and special thanks for the opportunity!