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4 Not-So-Obvious Tips to Beat Summer Heat During Pregnancy

The heat and humidity on these endless summer days can be hard to beat, and believe us when we say it’s even harder when you’re pregnant. Not only is your body temperature already slightly elevated, you may be dealing with fun pregnancy symptoms like morning sickness, swollen hands and feet, itchy, irritated skin, and general grumpiness. Add scorching temps to the mix, and well, you can see the issue. The good news—you can do this! And we can help with these four not-so-obvious tips to beat the summer heat during pregnancy.

Cool Down Your Hands & Feet

If you’re wondering whether you can physically climb into the freezer, here’s a better idea. Wrap cold packs in dishcloths and press them to the bottoms of your feet. Your aching tootsies will thank you, and research (1) shows that this type of targeted application to areas with small blood vessels is an effective way to decrease your body temperature. Other options? Just soak your hands and feet in cool water or get crazy with an ice bucket or some cooling towels.

Whip Up Some Collagen Protein Popsicles 

staying-cool-during-pregnancy-beli-babyCollagen has its merits, especially before, during and after pregnancy, and you can make getting your daily serving extra enjoyable with a collagen protein popsicle. We have an easy recipe (plus six others for treats like pancakes, soup, even peanut butter cups!), and the hardest part is waiting for them to fully freeze. Pro tip—Beli Collagen Protein Boost is flavorless and odorless, making it perfect for blending into deliciously fruity (and cool!) popsicles.

That extra protein may help reduce swelling (2), which is common during pregnancy as your body holds on to more water than usual. When it's hot out, all of that fluid gathers in the feet, ankles and lower legs. Low protein levels in the blood can also contribute to this swelling. Proteins (3) actually help blood vessels retain salt and water, which keeps fluids from leaking into surrounding tissue.

Drink All the Water

This may be mildly obvious, but it’s absolutely critical. During pregnancy, you need to be guzzling between 64 and 96 ounces of water every day (4)—that’s 8 to 12 8-ounce servings. The likelihood of dehydration goes up when you’re sweating buckets, and that’s a problem during pregnancy. Dehydration is associated with all sorts of serious pregnancy complications (5), including neural tube and birth defects, low amniotic fluid and premature labor. Skip the sugary sports drinks and opt for plain water. A low-sugar hydration pack is also a good option once a day—it will help replace electrolytes, such as sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium and other essential minerals, that you lose when you sweat. 

Water is key, but if you're finding it a little tiresome, jazz it up with our favorite beat-the-heat summer mocktail:

  • Ice
  • 2 fresh mint leaves
  • ¾ cup watermelon juice
  • ½ cup club soda
  • Small slice of watermelon for garnish 

Mash the mint leaves in the bottom of a glass. Fill the glass up one third of the way with ice. Pour in the watermelon juice, and top off with club soda. Garnish with mint, watermelon and enjoy! 

BYO Mister

Portable misters are convenient and work wonders for keeping you cooler and more comfortable. Plus, they’re easy to tote around for a quick cool-down wherever you go. There are hands-free, wearable versions and modern takes on the old-school, hand-held variety, so take your pick! Pro tip: fill the container with ice water for an even cooler mist.

The Bottom Line

Cut yourself some slack this summer! It’s hot, you're pregnant, and you deserve a little air conditioning at the very least. There are all sorts of ways to stay cool—breathable, loose clothing, pool time, bare feet, shady spots—and our tips will definitely help you stay more comfortable. Remember, this too shall end, and you’re doing great.


  1. Lissoway, J et al. (2015). Novel Application of Chemical Cold Packs for Treatment of Exercise-Induced Hyperthermia: A Randomized Controlled Trial.
  2. Swollen ankles, feet and fingers in pregnancy. (2021).
  3. Edema. (2022).
  4. How much water should I drink during pregnancy? (2020).
  5. Timmons, J. (2016). Symptoms of Severe Dehydration During Pregnancy.

Additional Resources

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Choline is an overlooked essential nutrient in many prenatal vitamin formulas, and it's a major oversight. Here at Beli, we've been sounding the alarm for years and it's gratifying to see that the market is beginning to catch up. That's thanks in part to articles like "The 7 Best Choline Supplements for Pregnancy, According to a Prenatal Dietitian" from Parents. Spoiler: Beli for Women made the list.

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