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How this Aha Moment Launched the Men’s Prenatal Movement

In 2019, Joni Hanson Davis was well on her to creating a new line of clean, quality, bioavailable vitamins optimized for every stage of pregnancy. It had become painfully clear during her own pregnancies that innovation in vitamins hadn’t kept pace with science, particularly when it came to fertility, reproductive health, and pregnancy health, and she was on a mission to change that.

And then something happened. Instead of focusing entirely on what a woman needs for a healthy conception, pregnancy, delivery, and baby—and instead of assuming, as many still do, that women should bear the medical and psychological burden of this entire process—Joni looked at the other half of the equation.

Can we be real for a minute? Women’s fertility makes headlines regularly. Doctors and fertility specialists and dietitians and any number of experts are routinely advising women on what they can do to get their bodies ready for the greatest chance of pregnancy. Our lifestyle choices are picked apart and conversations revolve around biological clocks, fertility diets, fertility acupuncture, fertility-boosting yoga, fertility trackers, egg-freezing, medications, IVF—and the list goes on.

The Thing Is, Sperm Health Really Matters

When it comes to the baby making process, all attention is turned to the woman. And yet, science is telling us—clearly—that sperm health plays an enormous role in both creating and sustaining a healthy pregnancy.

If we can go back to high school health class for just a minute, you’ll recall that a woman is born with all the eggs she’ll ever have. But men produce sperm every day, with 1,500 new sperm cells “born” every second. The evolution from germline stem cell to sperm cell takes about 72 days. The evidence is clear that the most common cause of sperm deficiencies is a nutrient shortage. And just like a women needs a specific amount of key nutrients for optimal preconception health, a man needs them to produce healthy sperm.

Sperm quality and quantity play a critical role on the side of the conception equation. A study from 2012—2012!—found that just one in four men have optimal semen quality, and there’s little evidence that lifestyle choices and healthy diets have dramatically improved in the years since.  It takes tens of millions of sperm to reach an egg for fertilization—and only one will make it. Science is all but screaming at us that poor lifestyle choices and crappy diets devoid of key nutrients can dramatically reduce sperm count, and even a small decline can have a huge impact on fertility.

So why aren’t men advised to take a prenatal vitamin if conception is the goal? Why not swap out the multivitamin for a scientifically-aligned vitamin designed to optimize sperm health? Why not lean on science to cherry-pick the nutrients that have been shown to support preconception health?

Well, that’s exactly what Joni did. And that’s when Beli Vitality for Men was born. With key nutrients—think L-carnitine, vitamins C and E, N-acetylcysteine, zinc, coenzyme Q10, and Shilajit—Beli Vitality is specifically formulated to deliver the nutrition that can support stronger, healthier sperm.

Mainstreaming Men's Prenatals

Today, the idea of men’s prenatal vitamins is catching on. More companies are waking up to the fact that there are two sides to preconception health, and that covering all the bases means ensuring both parents-to-be are getting the nutrients they need to support their health. And that’s a good thing. But preconception health isn’t inherently a woman’s issue, and mainstreaming this idea of optimizing fertility health for both partners is a game changer.

When it comes to conception and pregnancy, so much is out of our control. Managing nutrient intake is one of the few ways we can support our journey, and doing with a scientifically-aligned prenatal vitamin for both partners shouldn’t be such a novel concept. At Beli, it isn’t. And we’re doing everything we can to make it common knowledge. 


Any statement made on has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. We recommend consulting with your medical provider before starting any new supplement.

This article is for informational purposes only, even if and regardless of whether it features the advice of physicians and medical practitioners. This article is not, nor is it intended to be, a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment and should never be relied upon for specific medical advice. The views expressed in this article are the views of the expert and do not necessarily represent the views of Beli.

Additional Resources

The truth is, you don’t need a medical degree to become an expert in your own reproductive health. By understanding your body, making informed lifestyle choices, and taking proactive steps, you can significantly improve your chances of conception.

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Many men overlook how crucial sperm health is until it's too late. Red flag statements can signal poor sperm quality. Whether trying to conceive or maintaining health, recognizing these signs early can impact your fertility and well-being.

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Fall is not just a time for pumpkin spice lattes and cooler weather; it’s also an opportunity to optimize fertility, particularly for men. Cooler temperatures naturally benefit sperm health, while Beli for Men provides the essential nutrients needed to take those benefits even further. 

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Miscarriage is a complex issue, and while sperm health is just one factor, it's a crucial one. By understanding the statistics and research surrounding miscarriage and sperm health, couples can take proactive steps to improve fertility outcomes. Beli Vitality for Men offers a comprehensive fertility supplement solution, supported by industry research and designed to improve sperm health. By combining Beli Vitality with healthy lifestyle choices, couples can optimize their fertility journey and increase their chances of a successful pregnancy.

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While it’s true that popular hair loss meds work minor miracles on that receding hairline and back-of-the-head bald patch, it’s also true that it can come with side effects—some of them sexual. So, what does that mean in terms of male fertility? Here’s what couples should understand about the effects of popular hair-loss medications on sperm health.

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The summer heat really can have a temporary effect on male fertility, so doing what you can to keep cool, especially if the goal is becoming a dad, is really important. Here are tips to keep you and the boys cool this summer.

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If you’re no stranger to the telltale signs of seasonal allergies—sneezing, itching, nasal congestion, irritated eyes, the works—you’re likely familiar with antihistamines. When you’re actively trying to conceive, there’s more to understand about histamines, seasonal allergies and how it affects your fertility.

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When the plan is a baby, but you’re having a hard time conceiving, it’s normal to start wondering why. While there can be a number of issues in play, one tends to be overlooked: sleep quality. Specifically, men who have the sleep disorder sleep apnea could be at greater risk of fertility issues. Now, new research is drawing a more definitive link between sleep apnea and male fertility. Let’s review.

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Fact: You can’t look at a guy—or eyeball his semen sample, for that matter—and determine his fertility. It just doesn’t work that way. The only way to truly assess sperm health is with a semen analysis. But there are a few lifestyle choices and truths that may indicate whether a man’s sperm is healthy and happy. 

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While it’s lumped into the “bodily fluid” category, semen is a complex cocktail of compounds designed to support fertility. Like sperm quality, semen health can be influenced by lifestyle factors—an important realization for couples trying to conceive. From color to consistency, here’s what healthy semen looks like.

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There’s a lot of chatter when it comes to male masturbation and what it says about a man’s fertility or whether it’s an issue when a couple is actively trying to conceive. And in the interest of clearing up the confusion, we’re taking a facts-based approach to the topic of men, masturbation and fertility.

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For many of us, our twenties and even thirties are a time when the focus is on pregnancy prevention. And that’s okay! But even when the idea of motherhood is miles away there is tremendous value in understanding your fertility health and what you can do to support it during these young, carefree days.

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Raise your hand if you already know that you have a biological clock. From age 35 and beyond, there is a natural decline in testosterone and sperm quality. Just as people lose muscle strength, flexibility and endurance with age, sperm also tend to lose their "fitness" over the life cycle. But what does that mean—and does it really matter?

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It’s an easy assumption, but you’re much better off thinking that every prenatal vitamin is wildly different in terms of composition, nutrient quality and, importantly, nutrient amount. Not only is that actually true, it puts you in the smart consumer mindset of understanding what matters in a prenatal vitamin—and why.

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