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Stacking the Deck: 11 Easy Ways to Support Men’s Fertility

Real talk—men are half of the baby-making equation, and if conception is the goal, taking steps to stack the deck can be a game changer. The bad news is that environmental stressors, diet, and our modern lifestyles are a triple threat to men’s fertility, wreaking havoc on sperm DNA. The good news is that there are simple things you can do to combat those threats and actually increase testosterone levels, sperm count, and sperm motility, which can mean a greater chance of conception. Here are 11 easy ways to support men’s fertility.

Men’s Fertility 101

Let’s first establish what we mean by supporting fertility. In men, this refers to:

  • Promoting sperm count
  • Supporting sperm motility
  • Supporting sperm morphology
  • Promoting natural hormones, including testosterone

Male fertility is surprisingly affected by a mix of lifestyle and environmental factors. Some of the most common culprits behind poor fertility health include:

  • Nutritional deficiencies
  • Lifestyle choices such as smoking and drugs
  • Obesity
  • Environmental concerns such as pesticides, chemicals, and heavy metal exposure
  • Alcohol use
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Certain medications
  • Stress

Research into men's fertility and sperm health has shed light on the crucial role of nutrients in optimizing reproductive outcomes. These studies have revealed that specific nutrients play a pivotal role in enhancing sperm quality, motility, and overall reproductive health. Nutrients such as zinc, selenium, vitamin C, CoQ10, vitamin d, folate, and others have been identified as essential components of a diet that supports healthy sperm production.

One of the key findings of this research is that dietary deficiencies in these nutrients can lead to a decline in sperm quality and fertility. Moreover, lifestyle factors such as poor nutrition, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and exposure to environmental toxins can negatively impact sperm health. As such, understanding the role of nutrients in male fertility has not only raised awareness but also provided practical guidance for men seeking to improve their reproductive health.

11 Ways To Increase Sperm Count Naturally

Men produce millions of sperm each day, so it’s easy to understand why simple lifestyle changes can have an impact on the health of those sperm. Men can benefit from a few easy swaps to improve their overall health and fertility. If you’re thinking starting a family, be clear that your health during conception can impact the health of your baby. In fact, one study found that dads who were in poor health were more likely to have preterm and low-birth weight babies who stayed in the NICU.

Another thing to keep in mind—sperm are produced every day, but it still takes two to three months for any lifestyle change to have an affect. In other words, this is less of a sprint and more of a marathon, so get started with these tips for supporting male fertility.

1. Take Beli Vitality for Men 

Just like women, men’s bodies need different vitamins to help ensure optimal preconception health. Beli’s proprietary formula provides men with bioavailable forms of nutrients you need for reproductive and sperm health to support sperm development and quality. And it’s as simple as swapping out your regular multivitamin.

2. Get More Sleep—But Not Too Much

Did you know men produce the majority of their testosterone while they’re sleeping? That’s why lack of sleep can have huge consequences on pregnancy outcomes. Specifically, lack of sleep or disrupted sleep cycles can affect sperm production. The Boston University Pregnancy Online Study Society showed that men who sleep too much or too little are the least likely to conceive with their partners.

3. Eat More Healthy Fats

Increased intake of healthy fats, like walnuts and avocados, have been shown to have a positive impact on male fertility.

What should a man eat to increase his sperm count? The fertility diet that has been shown to improve female fertility outcomes is also perfect for men. The Keto diet is also thought to help to increase sperm count because of the high fat content.

4. Avoid Soy Products

A Spanish study showed that higher amounts of soy-related food products was related to increased percentages of chromosomal abnormalities in sperm as well as a lower sperm motility count. That’s because soy products contain phytates, which can interfere with the zinc absorption that’s essential for sperm production. Soy also contains isoflavones, which can mimic estrogen in the body.

  • Soybean sprouts
  • Soy milk
  • Miso
  • Tofu

5. Reduce your exposure to EDCs 

EDCs are endocrine-disrupting compounds that disrupt the body’s hormone levels and can have devastating effects on fertility and sperm count. Unfortunately, EDCs are found everywhere we go and in many household items such as:

  • Plastics (Bisphenol-A)
  • Personal hygiene products (parabens)
  • Food (pesticides and chemicals)

To limit exposure, switch to all-natural cleaning and personal care products. Buy organic fruits and vegetables, especially when you’re buying any of dirty dozen, which include nectarines, peppers and strawberries.

6. Cut Down Your Alcohol Consumption

While a little alcohol in moderation won’t necessarily affect male fertility, it most certainly won’t help increase sperm count. Numerous studies have shown that heavy drinking can have a huge effect on a man’s fertility and sperm health, and cutting back can be one of the best ways to increase your chances of pregnancy. What’s more, this moderation is often reflected very quickly, within just a few weeks, in elevated testosterone levels.

7. Avoid Overheating

Sperm need a stable temperature around four degrees cooler than the body in order to maintain optimal health. Any warmer and decreased motility begins to affect sperm analysis results. Prolonged heat exposure results in low sperm counts and reduced pregnancy rates, so do what you can to avoid overheating from the following:

  • Fever
  • Tight boxers or shorts for a prolonged period of time
  • The heat from a laptop or electronics
  • Grilling
  • Hot tubs
  • Saunas
  • Cycling

Before you panic, you don’t have give up grilling or sell the laptop. Just follow the everything-in-moderation rule and take regular breaks. If you’ve been diagnosed with low sperm count, taking extra precautions here can help.

8. Exercise Regularly 

Exercise has been shown to increase sperm counts in men, likely due to the increased blood flow throughout the body and higher oxygen levels in the blood. Exercise is also great for reducing body fat, which is a huge fertility risk factor in both men and women.

Swimming and working out in cool temperatures are good methods of exercise for increasing sperm count, since they don’t pose risks of overheating. Yoga is also an effective way to manage stress levels and increasing blood flow to the pelvic area. Plus, there are specific fertility yoga poses that may help increase sperm counts and overall reproductive health.

9. Control Stress

High stress levels can affect male fertility by decreasing testosterone levels and impacting sperm count. 

It’s hard to eliminate stress entirely, but there are a few things you can do to relax:

  • Listen to music or a podcast
  • Try meditation or acupuncture
  • Spend time with friends (but take it easy on the alcohol!)
  • Take a yoga class or try fertility yoga as a couple in the comfort of your own home
  • Hit the gym

10. Reduce Caffeine Intake

It’s generally believed that large amounts of caffeine aren’t ideal when you’re trying to increase sperm count and mobility. A 2017 Italian study found some evidence that excessive use consumption of caffeine (more than four cups of coffee a day) can actually damage sperm DNA fragments.

It’s worth remembering that drinks such as cola, caffeinated black and green teas, and energy drinks all contain caffeine, which means they’re contributing to your total daily intake.

To cut back on caffeine, try switching to decaf as much as possible and cutting soda out completely. For a non-caffeinated morning drink, try a vitamin-packed fertility smoothie.

11. Stop Smoking

Smoking affects all three sperm analysis factors (count, motility and morphology), but the good news is that levels will go back to normal around one year of quitting.

The big takeaway here is that steps you take to lead a healthier, happier lifestyle will often pay off in the health of your sperm. By understanding the pivotal role of nutrients in fertility and pregnancy, we can take proactive measures to improve fertility health.

Additional Resources

Fall is not just a time for pumpkin spice lattes and cooler weather; it’s also an opportunity to optimize fertility, particularly for men. Cooler temperatures naturally benefit sperm health, while Beli for Men provides the essential nutrients needed to take those benefits even further. 

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Egg quantity and quality are critical aspect of our reproductive well-being. By understanding the ideal number of eggs at various ages, why egg quality and quantity matter, and how to nurture and improve egg health, we can make informed decisions about our fertility and overall health.

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Miscarriage is a complex issue, and while sperm health is just one factor, it's a crucial one. By understanding the statistics and research surrounding miscarriage and sperm health, couples can take proactive steps to improve fertility outcomes. Beli Vitality for Men offers a comprehensive fertility supplement solution, supported by industry research and designed to improve sperm health. By combining Beli Vitality with healthy lifestyle choices, couples can optimize their fertility journey and increase their chances of a successful pregnancy.

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While it’s true that popular hair loss meds work minor miracles on that receding hairline and back-of-the-head bald patch, it’s also true that it can come with side effects—some of them sexual. So, what does that mean in terms of male fertility? Here’s what couples should understand about the effects of popular hair-loss medications on sperm health.

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The long, lazy days of summer aren’t just prime vacation days. Summer could actually be an especially fertile season, which may be of interest to couples who are interested in starting a family. If you’re angling for parenthood this summer, here’s what to know about the season of fertility.

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The summer heat really can have a temporary effect on male fertility, so doing what you can to keep cool, especially if the goal is becoming a dad, is really important. Here are tips to keep you and the boys cool this summer.

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If you’re no stranger to the telltale signs of seasonal allergies—sneezing, itching, nasal congestion, irritated eyes, the works—you’re likely familiar with antihistamines. When you’re actively trying to conceive, there’s more to understand about histamines, seasonal allergies and how it affects your fertility.

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When the plan is a baby, but you’re having a hard time conceiving, it’s normal to start wondering why. While there can be a number of issues in play, one tends to be overlooked: sleep quality. Specifically, men who have the sleep disorder sleep apnea could be at greater risk of fertility issues. Now, new research is drawing a more definitive link between sleep apnea and male fertility. Let’s review.

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Fact: You can’t look at a guy—or eyeball his semen sample, for that matter—and determine his fertility. It just doesn’t work that way. The only way to truly assess sperm health is with a semen analysis. But there are a few lifestyle choices and truths that may indicate whether a man’s sperm is healthy and happy. 

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While PCOS can be a challenging condition to manage, natural supplements like inositol that are included in Beli Preconception Boost offer a beacon of hope. Inositol's ability to improve insulin sensitivity, hormone balance, and ovulatory function makes it a valuable tool in the PCOS management toolkit. 

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The concern that hormonal contraception affects future fertility is making the rounds on social media again. But research continues to show that all that worry is for naught. While birth control doesn’t cause long-term fertility issues, it can mask them by creating an artificial cycle—something that’s important to understand.

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While it’s lumped into the “bodily fluid” category, semen is a complex cocktail of compounds designed to support fertility. Like sperm quality, semen health can be influenced by lifestyle factors—an important realization for couples trying to conceive. From color to consistency, here’s what healthy semen looks like.

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There’s a lot of chatter when it comes to male masturbation and what it says about a man’s fertility or whether it’s an issue when a couple is actively trying to conceive. And in the interest of clearing up the confusion, we’re taking a facts-based approach to the topic of men, masturbation and fertility.

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For many of us, our twenties and even thirties are a time when the focus is on pregnancy prevention. And that’s okay! But even when the idea of motherhood is miles away there is tremendous value in understanding your fertility health and what you can do to support it during these young, carefree days.

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Once a month, PMS symptoms make their unpleasant presence known. And while knowing what’s happening won’t make PMS magically disappear, it can help you manage symptoms by balancing hormones and supporting your reproductive health. Let’s review.

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Raise your hand if you already know that you have a biological clock. From age 35 and beyond, there is a natural decline in testosterone and sperm quality. Just as people lose muscle strength, flexibility and endurance with age, sperm also tend to lose their "fitness" over the life cycle. But what does that mean—and does it really matter?

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It’s an easy assumption, but you’re much better off thinking that every prenatal vitamin is wildly different in terms of composition, nutrient quality and, importantly, nutrient amount. Not only is that actually true, it puts you in the smart consumer mindset of understanding what matters in a prenatal vitamin—and why.

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If you have endometriosis, you can already recite its lengthy list of pretty terrible symptoms. And the standard options for managing those symptoms — medications, hormone therapy, hormonal birth control, estrogen blockers, surgery —  aren’t always great. But there is evidence that a so-called “endometriosis diet” can help.

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Men really do benefit from specialized nutrition in the form of a prenatal vitamin that’s formulated to support sperm health. Here’s what that looks like, and how specific nutrients can impact a man’s fertility health before fatherhood.

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Shilajit is finally getting the credit it’s due, and we’re proud to point out that our proprietary formula was the very first to include this powerful Ayurvedic compound. Here’s why shilajit is rapidly becoming the darling of the male fertility world–and what you’re missing if you’re skipping it.

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Ever wondered why men produce so much darn sperm, especially if only one of them will ultimately fertilize the egg? There are millions of sperm in normal ejaculate because it increases the likelihood that one will reach the egg and seal the deal. It begs the question, what exactly happens on the journey to the egg?

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Optimal nutrition plays a pivotal role in enhancing fertility and supporting a healthy pregnancy. A diet rich in essential nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and healthy fats, lays the foundation for reproductive health.

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Is there anything unsexier than scheduled, pressure-ridden, trying-like-hell-to-conceive sex? But good news. We’ve found handy workarounds and tricks of the trade, so forget the basal temperature chart for a second and read on for four ways to keep things hot when you’re TTC.

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Just as women’s bodies need to be prepared for pregnancy, men’s bodies need to be ready to contribute healthy sperm for conception. Nutrients are the foundation that support the normal structure and function of sperm and men's fertility health. Taking Beli’s male prenatal supplement is a proactive way to strategically fuel your body to optimize fertility contributing to your overall chances of conceiving and supporting a healthy pregnancy.  

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Diet has been suggested to have an influence on the quality and function of human sperm. More specifically, the results of a randomised trial have shown that including nuts as a component of a regular diet improved the quality and function of human sperm.

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Fall is not just a time for pumpkin spice lattes and cooler weather; it’s also an opportunity to optimize fertility, particularly for men. Cooler temperatures naturally benefit sperm health, while Beli for Men provides the essential nutrients needed to take those benefits even further. 

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Miscarriage is a complex issue, and while sperm health is just one factor, it's a crucial one. By understanding the statistics and research surrounding miscarriage and sperm health, couples can take proactive steps to improve fertility outcomes. Beli Vitality for Men offers a comprehensive fertility supplement solution, supported by industry research and designed to improve sperm health. By combining Beli Vitality with healthy lifestyle choices, couples can optimize their fertility journey and increase their chances of a successful pregnancy.

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While it’s true that popular hair loss meds work minor miracles on that receding hairline and back-of-the-head bald patch, it’s also true that it can come with side effects—some of them sexual. So, what does that mean in terms of male fertility? Here’s what couples should understand about the effects of popular hair-loss medications on sperm health.

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The summer heat really can have a temporary effect on male fertility, so doing what you can to keep cool, especially if the goal is becoming a dad, is really important. Here are tips to keep you and the boys cool this summer.

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If you’re no stranger to the telltale signs of seasonal allergies—sneezing, itching, nasal congestion, irritated eyes, the works—you’re likely familiar with antihistamines. When you’re actively trying to conceive, there’s more to understand about histamines, seasonal allergies and how it affects your fertility.

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When the plan is a baby, but you’re having a hard time conceiving, it’s normal to start wondering why. While there can be a number of issues in play, one tends to be overlooked: sleep quality. Specifically, men who have the sleep disorder sleep apnea could be at greater risk of fertility issues. Now, new research is drawing a more definitive link between sleep apnea and male fertility. Let’s review.

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Fact: You can’t look at a guy—or eyeball his semen sample, for that matter—and determine his fertility. It just doesn’t work that way. The only way to truly assess sperm health is with a semen analysis. But there are a few lifestyle choices and truths that may indicate whether a man’s sperm is healthy and happy. 

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While it’s lumped into the “bodily fluid” category, semen is a complex cocktail of compounds designed to support fertility. Like sperm quality, semen health can be influenced by lifestyle factors—an important realization for couples trying to conceive. From color to consistency, here’s what healthy semen looks like.

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There’s a lot of chatter when it comes to male masturbation and what it says about a man’s fertility or whether it’s an issue when a couple is actively trying to conceive. And in the interest of clearing up the confusion, we’re taking a facts-based approach to the topic of men, masturbation and fertility.

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For many of us, our twenties and even thirties are a time when the focus is on pregnancy prevention. And that’s okay! But even when the idea of motherhood is miles away there is tremendous value in understanding your fertility health and what you can do to support it during these young, carefree days.

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Raise your hand if you already know that you have a biological clock. From age 35 and beyond, there is a natural decline in testosterone and sperm quality. Just as people lose muscle strength, flexibility and endurance with age, sperm also tend to lose their "fitness" over the life cycle. But what does that mean—and does it really matter?

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It’s an easy assumption, but you’re much better off thinking that every prenatal vitamin is wildly different in terms of composition, nutrient quality and, importantly, nutrient amount. Not only is that actually true, it puts you in the smart consumer mindset of understanding what matters in a prenatal vitamin—and why.

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Men really do benefit from specialized nutrition in the form of a prenatal vitamin that’s formulated to support sperm health. Here’s what that looks like, and how specific nutrients can impact a man’s fertility health before fatherhood.

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Shilajit is finally getting the credit it’s due, and we’re proud to point out that our proprietary formula was the very first to include this powerful Ayurvedic compound. Here’s why shilajit is rapidly becoming the darling of the male fertility world–and what you’re missing if you’re skipping it.

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Ever wondered why men produce so much darn sperm, especially if only one of them will ultimately fertilize the egg? There are millions of sperm in normal ejaculate because it increases the likelihood that one will reach the egg and seal the deal. It begs the question, what exactly happens on the journey to the egg?

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Just as women’s bodies need to be prepared for pregnancy, men’s bodies need to be ready to contribute healthy sperm for conception. Nutrients are the foundation that support the normal structure and function of sperm and men's fertility health. Taking Beli’s male prenatal supplement is a proactive way to strategically fuel your body to optimize fertility contributing to your overall chances of conceiving and supporting a healthy pregnancy.  

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Diet has been suggested to have an influence on the quality and function of human sperm. More specifically, the results of a randomised trial have shown that including nuts as a component of a regular diet improved the quality and function of human sperm.

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