Big news! Beli is harnessing the many benefits collagen protein delivers during preconception, pregnancy, and postpartum recovery with the release of our latest and greatest product. Beli's Prenatal Collagen Protein Boost is an ultra-clean, filler-free collagen that does so much more than support skin health. The fact is, the benefits of collagen are body wide, and you’re using this key structural protein from head to toe. Now, Beli’s collagen protein is making it easier to embrace a healthier pregnancy journey.
The Benefits of Collagen From TTC to Post-Partum
Collagen may be buzz-worthy because of its undeniable benefits to our skin, but it’s actually the most abundant protein in the body. It’s the main building block of your muscles, bones, tendons, ligaments, and yes, skin, and it’s also found in your organs, blood vessels, and the lining of your intestine.
When it comes to family planning, collagen has some pretty amazing benefits:
- First is its nifty trick of supporting skin elasticity–and we aren’t just talking smooth, supple skin. As that cute little baby bump grows (and grows), collagen can help support all of that stretching, and it may even help prevent stretch marks, too. It’s working internally too, beefing up uterine walls in preparation for pregnancy. That makes it really beneficial for women taking fertility medications, who are more susceptible to issues with their uterine lining as a thin-skinning side effect of these drugs.
- Collagen may also enhance cervical fluid, which can help protect the egg and sperm during the oh-so-perilous conception journey, and it’s a key building block in the cervix itself. In fact, collagen fibers make up the majority of the cervical structure, which is what makes it so strong. During pregnancy, the cervix closes up tight to protect your growing baby, and it goes through an incredible transformation in preparation for labor. Ensuring that this amazing organ is as strong as it can be is no small thing!
- Mamas and growing babies alike will use collagen protein for all sorts of important jobs, including healthy immune function, placental and blood vessel development, uterine function, joint and ligament strength, and flexibility. In fact, according to authors of one study, “collagen exerts a critical role during a successful pregnancy.”
- Collagen protein could even help reduce joyless pregnancy symptoms like nausea, constipation, and anxiety by balancing blood sugar. It may also help regulate metabolism and hormone production as part of a balanced diet.
Supplementing with Collagen

Clearly, collagen is important. But as we age, collagen production naturally begins to decline (enter: less elasticity in the skin, fine lines and wrinkles). Pair that with less-than-ideal lifestyle habits, like smoking, too much sun, and a diet high in refined sugars and processed carbs, and you can really accelerate that loss. The good news? It’s pretty easy to supplement collagen decline with collagen-boost foods and a really great collagen protein powder (ahem).
Beli’s Prenatal Collagen Protein Boost is thoughtfully sourced in recognition of the need for an ultra clean form of protein during every stage of pregnancy, from preconception to postpartum. Our collagen is free of unnecessary fillers and blends seamlessly into smoothies, pancake batter, soups and stews, coffee, even a plain glass of water. The goal is to make it easy for parents and parents-to-be to get a daily boost of collagen protein. It’s just one more way Beli is supporting you on a healthier pregnancy journey.
Our new prenatal collagen protein booster launches soon, so stay tuned!
Collagen. (2022).
Bolke, L. et al. (2019). A collagen supplement improves skin hydration, elasticity, roughness, and density: results of a randomized, placebo-controlled, blind study.
She, J. et al. (2020). Collagen at the maternal-fetal interface in human pregnancy.