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Understanding Postnatal Depletion and its Effects on Breastfeeding

Many new mothers are seriously drained. The popular term is postnatal depletion, the combination of hormonal, physical and emotional depletion that’s incredibly common for women following the birth of their babies.  Here’s what to understand about postnatal depletion and its effects on breastfeeding + 4 easy tips to help avoid postnatal depletion.

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You may know all the ways collagen benefits you before, during and after pregnancy, but there are a handful of little best practices that can actually make or break the experience. In the interest of ensuring that you’re really reaping the benefits, we’re highlighting three mistakes you’re (probably) making with prenatal collagen.

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Beli is harnessing the many benefits collagen protein delivers during preconception, pregnancy, and postpartum recovery with the release of our latest and greatest product. Meet Beli’s Prenatal Collagen Protein Boost!

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There’s an essential connection between our minds and our bodies, and when we neglect one, it inevitably catches up with us through the other. For women becoming mothers especially, the body-mind connection is worth paying close attention to. Here's how prenatal vitamins can help.

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Dr. Taylor Wallace calls choline the “under-consumed and under-appreciated essential nutrient.” He’s right–in spite of its importance, choline is worryingly absent in so many mainstream prenatal vitamin formulas. We sat down with Dr. Wallace for a rundown on choline and why it’s so critical for pregnant and nursing moms, plus how to be sure you and your baby are getting enough.

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Welcome to the fourth trimester, i.e. the post-natal stage—the window of time after your baby is born that feels like it’s simultaneously dragging by and going in the blink of an eye. We don’t have to explain the importance of taking care of yourself during this stage, and because you have *so* much on your plate these days, we’re making it easy.

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