Meet Choline, the Critical Nutrient Your Prenatal Vitamin is Probably Missing

You might be shocked to hear it, but many of the popular prenatal vitamins so aggressively marketed to pregnant women today don’t meet current nutrient levels a number of key nutrients, according to both the American Medical Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics. Choline is one of them.

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Ready to try for a baby, but concerned about low sperm count? You’re not alone. But there is good news. Proper nutrition is key for men who want to raise their sperm counts so they can raise healthy babies. 

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There are so many fertility-friendly smoothies out there for the ladies, but what about the men? A good fertility diet is for men, too!

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Having a strong and healthy gut is important for both mom and baby. If the mom has a poor diet high in processed foods, little fruits and vegetables, drinks coffee, each of these items alters the good bacteria inside our systems, which is passed down to the baby.

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