Google “how to get pregnant faster” and you’ll find literally millions of websites and ads offering advice. Much like the whole journey to parenthood, that feels a little overwhelming. The simple truth is that there are a few things you can try to get pregnant faster, but they won’t work for everyone. Some couples knock it out of the park their first try, while others diligently follow best practices for months and months (and months) before two pink lines finally make an appearance. One in ten couples will navigate infertility, and not even the world’s best “get pregnant fast” advice will make any difference. Still, in the interest of positive thinking, we did some digging and came up with 5 obvious and not-so-obvious tips for getting pregnant faster.
- Tips for getting pregnant faster can help, but they won’t work for everyone.
- Stop taking birth control, but give your body time to adjust to its cycle afterward.
- Science shows that key nutrients play a role in the processes driving conception in men and women, so both partners should take a high-quality prenatal vitamin.
- Lifestyle habits, like good nutrition, adequate sleep, minimizing stress, and curbing bad behaviors (smoking, recreational drug use, excessive drinking), are important, since the health of both parents in the pre-conception window affects the chances of a healthy conception, pregnancy, and baby.
- Tuning into your menstrual cycle can help you pinpoint your fertile window for a higher chance of conception.
- Have lots of sex, and enjoy it! Arousal is linked to higher ejaculation amounts.
Stop Taking Birth Control
This one is short and, well, obvious. Toss the pills, put the condoms away, schedule an appointments to get that IUD removed, or do whatever must be done to pull the goalie, as it were. Just be clear and realistic about expectations here — depending on what you were using, your cycle may need a few months to kick back into gear. It’s a heady, thrilling experience when sex is all about making a baby, but give your body time to adjust before you start obsessively peeing on sticks.
Start Taking Prenatal Vitamins

There are myriad reasons to take prenatal vitamins simultaneously with hormonal birth control, but don’t panic if you didn’t know. Now that the plan is officially a baby, you and your partner — yes, both of you — should begin taking a high-quality prenatal vitamin that will shore up any nutritional gaps in your diets. Your health during this pre-conception window can directly influence a future pregnancy and the health of your baby-to-be, and that includes birth weight and brain development.
Fact — there’s a lot of inferior sperm out there. But two decades of research tells us that the right vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants can indeed improve sperm quality. And better sperm means a better chance not just of conception, but a healthy pregnancy and baby.
For the ladies, a prenatal vitamin before pregnancy plays a similar role. Specific micronutrients are necessary for the processes driving conception, and a steady stream of bioavailable forms of folate, zinc, chromium, choline, vitamins C, B6, B12, D, E and K2 can have a huge impact on reducing miscarriage risk, improving egg quality, triggering ovulation, and improving odds of conception overall.
Don’t settle for just any prenatals. Beli for Women and Beli for Men are formulated to be the best possible fuel for fertility and family. Our women’s prenatal is one of just a few on the market that meets current recommended levels of key nutrients shown to help promote hormonal balance and protect healthy egg maturation, among other benefits. Our men’s formula is made with nutrients shown by science to help increase sperm count, improve sperm motility and morphology, and counteract DNA damage.
Check Your Lifestyle
Trying to become parents can be the motivation you need to curb bad habits and generally clean up your lifestyle. Make a point of eating a nutritious, varied diet. Drink more water. Get more sleep. Exercise regularly. Address your stress. Learn about environmental toxins so you can avoid them. Stop smoking and recreational drug use, and cut way back on the booze. Basically, anything you can do to lead a healthy lifestyle, within reason, will help you in your journey to parenthood.
Tune into Your Cycle
If you aren’t already dialed into your cycle, start paying attention. There are free apps that can help you learn more about what’s normal for you, or you can splurge on an ovulation predictor kits. They’re designed to detect surging luteinizing hormone (LH) levels in your urine, which typically happens between 36 and 48 hours before ovulation. You can also explore basal body temperature charting or cervical mucus monitoring.
You don’t have to go nuts, but it can be really helpful to start looking for clues from your body. Once you learn what to look for, you’ll be surprised at what you can learn about your cycle.
Make it Fun
Understanding your cycle is one thing, but don’t get too caught up in scheduled sex just yet. Have sex often, and make it fun! The Practice Committee of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine has an official committee recommendation of sex every other day or every two days, but honestly, do it when you feel like it, and don’t stress about it. Shoot for three to four times a week, and you’ll have a good shot of having sex during your most fertile time. If you limit sex to when you think you’re ovulating, well, you’re missing out. For men, arousal affects ejaculation amounts, and the female orgasm could also positively influence conception, though it’s not required. The point is, if you’re both feeling it, don’t worry about the time of the month.
Pro tip — there is no single best position for conception, but what you do immediately after could make a difference. There is research suggestions lying down after insemination can improve pregnancy rates, so make a point of laying on your back for a few minutes after sex. Legs in the air is totally optional.
The Takeaway
There’s no guaranteed way to get pregnant faster, and most tips fall into the common sense realm. For most people, the biggest surprise is the importance a prenatal vitamin has during the preconception stage. A high-quality prenatal vitamin for both hopeful parents-to-be, paired with a general lifestyle clean-up, can really do the trick.