AMH Levels & What It Means For Fertility

The second you start looking into fertility testing, the acronyms are everywhere. Chief among them is AMH, or anti-müllerian hormone. Here’s what to understand about your AMH level and what it means for your chances of becoming pregnant.

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Dr. Taylor Wallace calls choline the “under-consumed and under-appreciated essential nutrient.” He’s right–in spite of its importance, choline is worryingly absent in so many mainstream prenatal vitamin formulas. We sat down with Dr. Wallace for a rundown on choline and why it’s so critical for pregnant and nursing moms, plus how to be sure you and your baby are getting enough.

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Fun fact – chemical-based preferences that steer women toward specific men appear to play out between the human egg and sperm, with the egg “choosing” which sperm will be the lucky winner in the race to fertilization. Spoiler – the higher quality the sperm, the better the odds of a successful journey and conception.

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It’s resolution-making time, and a lot of folks have babies on the brain. We got you! We double checked with the experts for the best ways to support and promote fertility for the very best chances of a healthy conception, pregnancy, and bouncing baby.

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Your prenatal vitamin is more than just a vitamin – it’s a potent little capsule brimming with key nutrients that support your fertility health and your growing baby. But while people tend to throw the terms around interchangeably, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants are distinct. Here’s what makes all three different and why they matter in your prenatal vitamin.

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