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4 Actually Helpful Ways to Keep Things Hot When You’re TTC

Is there anything unsexier than scheduled, pressure-ridden, trying-like-hell-to-conceive sex? But good news. We’ve found handy workarounds and tricks of the trade, so forget the basal temperature chart for a second and read on for four ways to keep things hot when you’re TTC.

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Choline remains chronically overlooked, especially for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers. It has a concerning trickle-down effect—like advice on social media that two eggs a day are all you need to hit your daily choline quotient. Fortunately, the Beli team is sharing the best way to get enough choline during pregnancy.

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Just as women’s bodies need to be prepared for pregnancy, men’s bodies need to be ready to contribute healthy sperm for conception. Nutrients are the foundation that support the normal structure and function of sperm and men's fertility health. Taking Beli’s male prenatal supplement is a proactive way to strategically fuel your body to optimize fertility contributing to your overall chances of conceiving and supporting a healthy pregnancy.  

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No one really understands how common infertility is until they’re dealing with it themselves. That’s why some fertility specialists argue that fertility testing should be part of routine medical care for men and women of reproductive age. It begs the question: Why is it so hard to have your fertility tested?

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Diet has been suggested to have an influence on the quality and function of human sperm. More specifically, the results of a randomised trial have shown that including nuts as a component of a regular diet improved the quality and function of human sperm.

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A shot to the balls may be played for laughs on screen, but testicular impacts really aren’t a joke. Worse case scenario, getting hit in the balls can affect fertility thanks to complications like sexual dysfunction, low testosterone and other issues. Let's discuss.

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