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How this Aha Moment Launched the Men’s Prenatal Movement

In 2019, Joni Hanson Davis was well on her to creating a new line of clean, quality, bioavailable vitamins optimized for every stage of pregnancy. It had become painfully clear during her own pregnancies that innovation in vitamins hadn’t kept pace with science. And then something happened.

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Fin vs Fin just reviewed Beli for Women and Beli for Men and spoiler - they're saying good things. Check out the review in full and read on for highlights.

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Welcome to the fourth trimester, i.e. the post-natal stage—the window of time after your baby is born that feels like it’s simultaneously dragging by and going in the blink of an eye. We don’t have to explain the importance of taking care of yourself during this stage, and because you have *so* much on your plate these days, we’re making it easy.

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