Beli Prenatals are HSA/FSA eligible!

Supporting Preconception Health Begins with all the Right Nutrients

Beli for Women is formulated with everything you need to fuel your fertility health, promote hormonal balance, and support egg quality. Because the truth is, supporting female fertility begins with all the right nutrients.

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A nutrient-dense smoothie is perfect all year long, and we've worked up a recipe that makes taking your prenatal vitamins a downright treat. Pair this morning smoothie recipe with your Beli prenatals and drink up!

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Who doesn't love a good charcuterie board? And before you assume these delicious hors d'oeuvres are automatically off the table once you see those two pink lines, we have good news. The Gourmet Shop has a killer list of pregnancy-safe cheeses and accompaniments that will absolutely hit the spot.

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When we aren’t on the baby train, we tend to get enough iron in our diets. But that all changes when there’s a pregnancy in the picture, and prenatals are all over the map when it comes to this important nutrient. Here’s what to know about prenatal vitamins and appropriate iron amounts.

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Welcome to the fourth trimester, i.e. the post-natal stage—the window of time after your baby is born that feels like it’s simultaneously dragging by and going in the blink of an eye. We don’t have to explain the importance of taking care of yourself during this stage, and because you have *so* much on your plate these days, we’re making it easy.

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